Monday, November 17, 2008

A Mixed Bag In One Weekend

It may be obvious to some why I'm calling this post "A Mixed Bag". Shooting some of Claudio's guests and one of mine yielded some interesting faces in different lighting scenarios.

1) First image of the famous fine art photographer Robert Farber. A chance to shoot a portrait of a talent as Robert was a wonderful opportunity.

2) Harbajan Singh came all the way to NY from PA as our guest. We thank him very much for his participation and patience.
Sat Sri Akal, Harbajan Ji.

3) Two looks from the same lady in different lighting. 

Also, being able to shoot with Claudio again always makes for an interesting afternoon!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

A Different Path

Other than culinary, I've been involved in other disciplines of photography lately. Incorporating Nikon's Speedlights as an alternative to the larger studio strobes in situations where these little lights have a practical edge. 

Most recently, I've been working with Designline Construction Services, creating some interior images as well as environmental portraiture.

All images posted here have been created using Nikon's CLS and Speedlights.

Thank you Designline Construction Services for all your business.