Friday, October 3, 2008

Flashes Of Hope

Flashes Of Hope is an organization that provides charitable photographic services to children with cancer at certain hospitals. I was approached by Nat Clymer, the local representative and NJ-based photographer, to participate in this program, along with other members of the ASMP NJ chapter.

Over the course of the year, I  do a lot of work for non-profits and charitable organizations, including the Lymphoma Research Foundation, but this shoot put quite a bit of my life in a different perspective. Gave me almost the same feeling I get when I return from India - be grateful what what you have Verdini!

The kids are allowed to pose by themselves, family members and certain hospital staff, if they wish. I would watch some of them smile, especially the little ones who really don't know what's going on other than they're not feeling well.

If any ASMP photographers are asked to participate, please consider the offer. The ASMP-NJ chapter will be hosting Nat on Jan 14th to speak about the organization and to have a few photographers show their work and briefly comment from their sessions.

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